12 culinary herbs with health benefits

The herbs and spices you use in your kitchen do so much more than just add flavour to your food. Herbs have been renowned for their medicinal benefits for centuries and research shows that various herbs and spices have powerful benefits for our health. From antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, to digestive support and immune balance, the benefits of adding herbs and spices to your cooking are diverse. 

The magnificent colours, flavours and aromas of your favourite herbs and spices are thanks to their bioactive constituents, including sulphur-containing compounds, tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids. 

Whether a spicy curry or a herby omelette is your cup of (herbal) tea, there is bound to be one on my list of favourites that you can add a little more to your diet. 

  1. Cinnamon - this sweet spice has been associated with balancing blood sugar levels. It is thought that it does this by different mechanisms, including managing the level of glucose in the bloodstream and improving insulin sensitivity.

  2. Rosemary - adding a taste of this Mediterranean herb to your dinner could add a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds to your diet. It has also been shown to help support healthy oestrogen metabolism.

  3. Mint - most people know that mint tea has benefits for digestive support. It is an easy one to grown, but just make sure you keep it in a pot and don’t plant out in your garden, or it will take over!

  4. Garlic - used by many as a simple cold remedy, the active ingredients in garlic, including allicin, are what gives this herbs its pungent aroma. There is also research linking garlic with cardiovascular health. When cooking with garlic it is best to add towards the end of cooking, so you don’t destroy the active constituents.

  5. Thyme is traditionally used by herbalists as an expectorant for coughs. The volatile oils in thyme can also be used as a steam infusion for colds to help ease breathing.

  6. Turmeric - with anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antioxidant effects, turmeric is something that should be in everyone’s space rack. It is the spice that gives curry its yellow colour, but can be added to soups, scrambled eggs, salad dressings, or even used to make healthy drinks like turmeric tea or turmeric latte.

  7. Ginger - one of my favourites, this versatile spice is useful for digestive support and has been traditionally used for colds and sore throats alongside lemon and honey.

  8. Parsley is thought to have benefits for the health of the urinary tract and has been used traditionally for bladder infections.

  9. Fennel seeds - have been traditionally used as an after-dinner digestif and are thought to help alleviate gas and wind!

  10. Lemon balm - with its calmative properties, lemon balm is lovely herb to have in a pot on your doorstep to make a gentle infusion for a relaxing herbal tea to balance your mood.

  11. Sage - has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and used as an ingredient in herbal remedies to relieve excessive sweating associated with the menopause. Other studies reveal that sage may improve memory function in healthy people, so definitely one to add to the pot.

  12. Oregano - found to be high in antioxidants that may balance inflammation It is thought to have antibacterial action and may even have some antiviral properties, too.

This blog post first appeared as my column in The Irish News on Saturday 30th April 2022.


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